Birth Class by Midwife: February 18 & 20, 2025


Our Birth Class Series consists of a two-part series held in the same week.  We will meet on Tuesday evening for Part 1 and on Thursday evening for Part 2.  The Class begins at 6:30 pm and ends at approximately 9:30 pm.  Whether you are planning your birth with the Midwives at the Birth Center, with a Physician at the hospital, or at home, you are welcome!   These classes will be held, in-person, at the Savannah Birth and Wellness Center (1692 Chatham Parkway, Savannah, Ga 31405).
This Series encompasses all aspects of the anatomy and physiology of birth, normal and natural coping skills, comfort measures, what to expect and a whole lot more!
Please register “early” but schedule your class, if possible, 1-2 months before your due date.   Please review the refund policy located at the bottom of the Home Page before making your registration.  You will receive a confirmation after you register.  Fee: $50.00 per couple.
This class is taught by Jill Whitfield, CNM, MSN

